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Hands Off DC


Hands Off DC

Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen kicked off the new HandsOffDC efforts Monday, February 13 at the Atlas Performing Arts Center.  CM Allen’s office had a reportedly 1400+ D.C residents RSVP (with several hundreds in attendance) for the event.  The event catalyst was a response to Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, plans to dismantle D.C.’s Death with Dignity Law.  Though this is not a small business interest, it is an example of Congress pushing back on D.C. autonomy and a reason for business owners in the distrct to tune in.

CHAMPS will continue to monitor federal legislation that has an eye to D.C. affairs, as well as the organizing efforts of HandsOffDC, DC Vote, and others who champion D.C. statehood.

Wondering what action you can take today.  Visit and check out how to take action.

WUSA9 Report from the HandsOffDC event.